Does my family have to be Adventist for my child to attend an Adventist school?

Absolutely not, though you and your child will gain the most benefit from Adventist education if you are a Christian or at least sympathetic to Christian beliefs.


Will an Adventist school try to turn my child into a Seventh-day Adventist?

At an Adventist school, students’ freedom to think for themselves is respected and nurtured, and students are encouraged to learn how to make good moral decisions regardless of their creed or belief system. One key Adventist principle is that no one should be pressured into church membership, but join willingly as they choose. Children of Adventist parents become baptized members only when they are old enough to make the decision consciously and responsibly.


Are Adventist schools accredited? Do they provide as complete an education as other public or private schools?

Every Adventist school is accredited by a state or national accrediting body. In addition, the church office of education also operates a comprehensive accrediting process to maintain a high standard of excellence in all Adventist schools.


What is the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

The worldwide Adventist church has over 15 million members in more than 200 countries. Adventists operate 7200+ schools worldwide with nearly 1.5 million students. They also run 168 hospitals worldwide, 138 nursing homes and retirement centers, 442 clinics and dispensaries, and 34 orphanages and children’s homes. In addition, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), an international, disaster-relief organization, funds over 2,400 projects in 112 countries.


What does the name “Seventh-day Adventist” refer to?

The name “Seventh-day Adventist” refers to two core beliefs. Respecting the fourth of God’s Ten Commandments, Adventists worship on Saturday, the seventh day of the week. “Adventist” refers to Jesus Christ’s promise to return and take his followers home to heaven. Adventists believe in the imminent advent, or return, of Jesus Christ. You can find out more about Adventists at


Where did Adventists come from?

The Seventh-day Adventist church grew in the mid 1840s during the Second great Awakening, a time of religious revival in the United States. Its first members came from the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Christian connection congregations, but over the following decades the denomination has grown into a worldwide church with millions of members. The church is well known for its excellence in healthcare, education, and human service activities.


What is the Mission of Adventists?

From the very beginning, Adventists have focused on the importance of education and healthcare in improving people’s lives. In fact, Adventists run the next-largest denominational education system in the world, second only to Catholic schools. Adventist hospitals and clinics are also numerous, including Florida Hospital, America’s busiest hospital. You’ll find at least one Adventist healthcare center in many major metropolitan areas in North America. Adventists are also active providing schools and hospitals where they are needed around the world.


Why do Adventists put such an emphasis on Lifestyle?

One of the founding principles of the Adventist church is a healthy lifestyle—a balanced combination of exercise, diet, and trust in God. Adventists are generally vegetarian, and do not smoke, or drink alcohol. They operate successful stop-smoking clinics worldwide. Loma Linda, California, a primarily Adventist community, was recently named by researcher Dan Buettner a “blue zone” or “longevity oasis” where the residents not only have the longest life expectancy on earth, but are happier and healthier, too.

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